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5 steps in 5 minutes: minimalist skincare routine

Maybe you’ve decided to Marie Kondo every aspect of your life, or maybe you need to simplify your skincare routine because you only have a quick five minutes in the morning and at night to yourself. Maybe you’re not ready to dive into a full 10-step skincare regimen, but still want to take care of your skin. Maybe you’re reading this for the skincare puns and jokes. No matter what your reasoning is, we’re glad you’re here and we’re ready to tell you about the products you need and how to glow-up in five steps AND 5 minutes. The best news? You only need 6 products total to knock out this routine both morning and night.

Let’s start with the absolute bare minimum skincare must-haves. For the sake of money, counter space and time, there are four products that you can use twice a day. The key is picking gentle, yet potent products that your skin can tolerate using both day and night:

Universal cleanser: something that fully cleanses that your skin can tolerate twice a day
kd skincare picks: soothe + lather

Tone + Treat: a toner with ingredients that combat oil and control breakouts or a targeted treatment for other concerns (i.e. hydrating serum, vitamin c)
kd skincare picks: flexin' my complexion pads for acne prone skin, glow up serum for brightening + anti-aging, skin drench for added moisture + peptides

Eye Cream: look for one that universally hydrates, prevents and treats signs of aging, depuffs and brightens
kd skincare picks: hello bright eyes peptide treatment, good morning sunshine retinol eye cream

kd skincare picks: skin milk for acne prone skin, youth or dare for combo + dry skin

The last two products in your lineup will be used interchangeably in the morning and night:

Retinol: reduces signs of aging, speeds up cell turnover to improve acne and breakouts (use PM)
kd skincare pick: retinol serum 5x or 10x

Sunscreen: use EVERY single morning and throughout the day to prevent damage from UV rays
kd skincare pick: clean + sheer, eternal summer tinted spf

So now that we’ve laid out the necessary products, exactly how do you do a full skincare regimen in five minutes or less with SIX products? It’s easier than you think. For the first 60 seconds, you cleanse your skin to remove makeup, clean pores, and remove debris and oil. Then you start with your toner or treatment and move down the lineup waiting 45-60 seconds in between each step to allow each product to fully absorb into your skin. Voila, you have done a 5 step skincare regimen in 5 minutes.

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